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Meet Kyle

Kyle Buchter owns Pennsylvania-based Off-road Consulting, LLC and has been involved in the off-road industry for more than 25 years as a trainer, guide, product designer, product tester and business owner. His philosophy is simple — people learn best by doing, not by sitting at a desk trying to memorize information. His business offers everything from Off-Road 101 classes to scenic trail rides, recovery training and Badge of Honor runs. He strives every day to help educate and improve off-road drivers, as well as the products they use.

From scenic dirt road driving, off road trails, off road racing, and rock crawling, Buchter's diverse experience is where he draws all his knowledge. Additionally, he is highly certified in the off-road, crane and towing industry, while his winching and recovery knowledge takes him around the country providing recreational to professional services. Over the years, he's owned and driven over 60 different Jeeps from 1946-present, and he brings a unique passion and knowledge to the Quadratec Trail Boss program.